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Two quaternions are defined to be equal if and only if they have exactly the same four

components. (Two unequal quaternions may still represent the same rotation.)


Addition of quaternions is defined component-wise, namely

(w + xi + yj + zk) + (w' + x'i + y' j + z'k) = (w + w') + (x + x')i+(y + y') j + (z + z')k.

The product of a scalar and quaternion is defined also as expected, namely,

α(w + xi + yj + zk) = (αw) + (αx)i + (αy) j + (αz)k,where α ∈ R.

The product of two quaternions q1 and q2 is denoted q1q2 (we reserve the dot product notation q1 · q2 for the usual dot product).



向量部分是s_1v_2+s_2v_1+v_1×v_2   (由于编辑器的问题不能打出上标和下标,用^代替上标,用_代替下标)

Quaternion addition is commutative and associative.


Quaternion multiplication is associative.The left and right distributive laws hold for quaternions, that is, for all

quaternions q, r, s,q(r + s) = qr + qs and (r + s)q = rq + sq.




The norm, or magnitude, of a quaternion q = <w, x, y, z> is defined to equal

||q|| =sqrt(w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2)

We define the conjugate, q*, of q to equal q* = <w,−x,−y,−z>

if q=<s;v>,then ||q||=sqrt(s^2+v^2),where v^2=v·v.Also,q*=<s;-v>


A unit quaternion is a quaternion with norm equal to 1.

A quaternion <w; 0> with zero vector component will be identified with the scalar w ∈ R.

This is compatible with the earlier definitions since the product wq is the same whether w is
interpreted as a quaternion or as a scalar. Similarly, a vector v ∈ R3 will be identified with
the quaternion <0; v> with zero scalar component. 

Care should be taken when vectors are interpreted as quaternions because a vector cross product is not the same as a quaternion product. 

(Indeed, they could not be the same, for quaternion products are associative whereas vector cross products are not.) 

As an example, we have

(i + j) × j = k,
(i + j ) j = (<0, 1, 1, 0>)(<0, 0, 1, 0>) = <−1, 0, 0, 1> ≠< 0, 0, 0, 1> = k.


Fix a unit vector u and a rotation angle θ. Recall that Rθ,u is the rotation around axis u through angle θ

with the rotation direction given by the right-hand rule. 

Let c = cos(θ/2) and s = sin(θ/2),and let q be the quaternion




In abstract algebra, a mapping of the form

v → qvq^(−1) 

computed by multiplying on the left by a fixed element and on the right by its inverse is called

an inner automorphism.(内自同构)

We now prove Theorem XII.3.


这就证明了假设有四元组q< cos(θ/2) ;sin(θ/2)u>(其中u是单位向量),那么对于向量v,表达式qvq^(-1)得到的结果就是v绕定轴u按右手法则旋转θ度.

Quaternions provide a method of representing rotations by 4-tuples.

 An arbitrary, rigid, orientation-preserving linear transformation can

be expressed as a rotation around some fixed axis. Such a rotation is specified by a rotation
angle θ and a rotation axis u, where u is a unit vector: recall that this rotation was denoted
Rθ,u. To represent Rθ,u with a quaternion, let c = cos(θ/2), s = sin(θ/2), and u = <u_1, u_2, u_3>.
Then the 4-tuple q defined by
q = <c, su_1, su_2, su_3> is called a quaternion

 qVq^(-1)就代表了Rθ,u V                                                       

也可说四元组r代表了旋转Rθ,u因为r与公式v → rvr^(−1) 一一对应(实际上我们知道是 rVr^(-1)才代表Rθ,u V ) .



Let q = s + v be a unit quaternion. Then q^(-1) = s- v,and given a vector u(注意向量可以看成标量为0的特殊四元组),we have

A(u)=quq^(-1)=(s+v)u(s-v)=(s;v)(0;u)(s;-v)   (通过四元组乘积公式(<s_1;v_1>)(<s_2;v_2>)=s_1s_2-v_1·v_2+s_1v_2+s_2v_1+v_1×v_2)




利用公式P × (Q× P) = P ×Q× P = P^2Q − (P ⋅Q)P











The first and third equalities together tell us that s^2 + t^2 =1, so we must have

s = cos(θ/2).








Every rigid, orientation-preserving, linear transformation is a rotation.

A transformation on R^2 is any mapping A : R^2 → R^2. That is, each point x ∈ R^2 is mapped

to a unique point, A(x), also in R^2.
Definition Let A be a transformation. A is a linear transformation provided the following two
conditions hold:
1. For all α ∈ R and all x ∈ R^2, A(αx) = αA(x).
2. For all x, y ∈ R^2, A(x + y) = A(x) + A(y).

For linear transformations, an equivalent definition of rigid transformation is that a linear
transformation A is rigid if and only if it preserves dot products. That is to say, if and only if, for
all x, y ∈ R^2, x · y = A(x) · A(y). 

下面我们来证明v -> qvq(-1)变换拥有这几个性质

A rotation in three dimensions can be thought of as a function A that maps R^3

onto itself. For A to represent a rotation, it must preserve lengths, angles, and handedness(也就是我们说的朝向保持).

The set of quaternions, known by mathematicians as the ring of Hamiltonian quaternions

and denoted by H, can be thought of as a four-dimensional vector space
for which an element q has the form 

q = <w, x, y, z> = w+ xi + yj + zk.

A quaternion is often written as q = s + v, where s represents the scalar part corresponding

to the w-component of q, and v represents the vector part corresponding
to the x, y, and z components of q.

Extending the function A to a mapping from H onto itself by requiring that A(s + v) = s + A(v) 













||A(u)||=||quq^(-1)||=||q|| ||u|| ||q^(-1)|| = ||u||





证角度保持和朝向保持  等价与  证A(u_1)A(u_2)=A(u_1u_2)




A(u_1u_2)=A(-u_1·u_2+u_1×u_2)=-u_1·u_2+A(u_1×u_2)   (注意标量部分相等,向量部分相等)







///至此 四元组能表示旋转的问题被阐明了,如果你只对四元组表示的旋转部分感兴趣可以跳过下面这段内容  如果你想把四元组搞清楚,请你继续



四元组q< cos(θ/2) ;sin(θ/2)u>(其中u是单位向量),那么对于向量v,表达式qvq^(-1)得到的结果就是v绕定轴u按右手法则旋转θ度.


We begin by considering how we can embed the set of real numbers in

the set of 2×2 matrices. For any given scalar a, we associate it with exactly
one 2 × 2 matrix, namely the matrix that has a on both of the diagonal

We have chosen a subset of the 2×2 matrices, and established a one-to-one

correspondence between this smaller set of matrices and the set of all real
numbers. We could have established this one-to-one relationship in other
ways, but this particular way of doing it is important because it preserves
all the ordinary algebra laws of addition, subtraction, and multiplication:
the associative property, distributive property, nonfactorability of zero, and
so on. (We can even include division if we treat division as multiplication
by the inverse.) For example,

Now let’s see if we can create a similar mapping for the set of complex

numbers. You probably already have been introduced to complex numbers;
if so, you should remember that the complex pair (a, b) defines the number
a+bi. The number i is a special number such that i^2 = −1. It’s often called
the imaginary number because no ordinary scalar (a “real” number) can
have this property. The word “imaginary” gives one the impression that
the number doesn’t really exist; we’re going avoid this term and instead
stick with the more descriptive one: “complex.”

Complex numbers can be added, subtracted, and multiplied. All we

need to do is follow the ordinary rules for arithmetic, and replace i^2 with
−1 whenever it appears. This results in the following identities:

Now, how can we extend our system of embedding numbers in the space

of 2 × 2 matrices to include complex numbers? Before, we only had one
degree of freedom, a, and now we have two, a and b. The mapping we use is

We can easily verify that the complex number on the left behaves exactly

the same as the matrix on the right. In a certain sense, they are just two
notations for writing the same quantity:

We also verify that the equation i2 = 1 still holds:


矩阵  实际上代表了逆时针旋转90度.

We can interpret multiplication by i as a 90°rotation.

There’s nothing “imaginary” about this. Instead of thinking of i as the

square root of .1, think instead of the complex number a+bi as a mathematical
entity with two degrees of freedom that behaves in particular ways
when multiplied. The part we usually call the “real” part, a, is the main
degree of freedom, and b measures some secondary degree of freedom. The
two degrees of freedom are in some sense “orthogonal” to one another.
Continuing this further, we see that we can represent rotations by any
arbitrary angle θ using this scheme. The basic 2×2 rotation matrix derived
in Section 5.1.1 happens to be in this special set of matrices that we are
mapping to the complex numbers. It maps to the complex number cos θ +
i sin θ:

Notice how complex conjugation (negating the complex part) corresponds

to matrix transposition. This is particularly pleasing. Remember
that the conjugate of a quaternion expresses the inverse angular displacement.
A corresponding fact is true for transposing rotation matrices: since
they are orthogonal, their transpose is equal to their inverse.

How do ordinary 2D vectors fit into this scheme? We interpret the

vector [x, y] as the complex number x + iy, and then we can interpret the multiplication of two complex numbers

as performing a rotation. This is equivalent to the matrix multiplication

While this a not much more that mathematical trivia so far, our goal is to

build up some parallels that we can carry forward to quaternions, so let’s
repeat the key result.

In 2D, we can interpret the vector [x, y] as a complex number x + yi and

rotate it by using the complex multiplication (cos θ + i sin θ)(x + iy).

A similar conversion from ordinary vectors to complex numbers is necessary

in order to multiply quaternions and 3D vectors.

Before we leave 2D, let’s summarize what we’ve learned so far. Complex
numbers are mathematical objects with two degrees of freedom that obey
certain rules when we multiply them. These objects are usually written as
a + bi, but can equivalently be written as a 2 × 2 matrix. When we write
complex numbers as matrices, it begs the geometric interpretation of multiplication
by i as a 90° rotation. The rule i^2 = −1 has the interpretation
that combining two 90° rotations yields a 180° rotation, and that leaves us
with a warm fuzzy feeling. More generally, any complex number with unit
length can be written as cos θ + i sin θ and interpreted as a rotation by the
angle θ. If we convert a 2D vector into complex form and multiply it by
cos θ + i sin θ, it has the effect of performing the rotation.

It’s very tempting to extend this trick from 2D into 3D.

那么这种新复数应该怎样表示呢?The Irish mathematician William Hamilton (1805–1865),也就是发明四元组这位牛人,最开始以为这种复数有一个实部和两个虚部

但在1843,在他去爱尔兰皇家学院的路上,他突然灵感一现,认识到这种复数要有三个虚部,他在Broom Bridge刻下了描述这种新型复数的方程.4元组因此也就产生


A 3D complex number would have two

complex parts, i and j, with the properties i^2 = j^2 = −1. (We would
also need to define the values of the products ij and ji. Exactly what
these rules should be, we’re not sure; perhaps Hamilton realized this was
a dead end. In any case, it doesn’t matter for the present discussion.)

The number 1 must obviously map to the 3D identity matrix I_3. The number −1 should map

to its negative, −I_3, which has −1s on the diagonal.



The only way this can work is for i and

j to contain entries that are complex. In short, there doesn’t seem to be
a coherent system of 3D complex numbers; certainly there isn’t one that
maps elegantly to rotations analogously to standard complex numbers and
2D rotations. For that, we need quaternions.

Quaternions extend the complex number system by having three imaginary

numbers, i, j, and k, which are related by Hamilton’s famous equations:

The quaternion we have been denoting <w;(x, y, z)> corresponds to the complex

number w + xi + yj + zk.

Now we return to matrices. Can we embed the set of quaternions into

the set of matrices such that Hamilton’s rules in Equation still hold?

Yes, we can, although, as you might expect, we map them to 4×4 matrices.
Real numbers are mapped to a matrix with the number on each entry of
the diagonal as before,

and the complex quantities are mapped to the matrices



Combining the above associations, we can map an arbitrary quaternion

to a 4 × 4 matrix as

Once again, we notice how complex conjugation (negating x, y, and z)

corresponds to matrix transposition.

Notice how the upper left 2×2 portion of the

k matrix is the same as the very first 2×2 matrix for i; in other words, part
of k is a 90o rotation about z. By analogy with the 2D case, we might reasonably
expect the quaternion cos θ + k sin θ to represent a rotation about
the z-axis by an arbitrary angle θ. Let’s multiply it by the vector [1, 0, 0]
and see what happens.

As in the 2D case, we need to “promote” the vector

into the complex domain; what’s different here is that quaternions have an
extra number. We’ll map [x, y, z] to the complex number 0 + xi + yj + zk,
so the vector [1, 0, 0] is simply i. Expanding the multiplication, we have

(cos θ + k sin θ)i = i cos θ + ki sin θ,

= i cos θ + j sin θ,

which corresponds to [cos θ, sin θ, 0], exactly what we would expect when

rotating the x-axis about the z-axis. So far, all is good. Let’s try a slightly

more general vector [1, 0, 1], which is represented in the complex domain as

i + k:

(cos θ + k sin θ)(i + k) = i cos θ + k cos θ + ki sin θ + k^2 sin θ

= i cos θ + j sin θ + k cos θ -sin θ.                                                              (8.13)

This result does not correspond to a vector at all, since it has a nonzero

value for w. The rotation in the xy-plane worked as expected, but unfortunately,
the z component did not come out right. There is unwanted
rotation in the zw-hyperplane. This is made perfectly clear by looking at
how (cos θ + k sin θ) is represented as a 4 × 4 matrix:

The upper-left 2 × 2 rotation matrix is the one we want; the lower-right

2 × 2 rotation matrix is not wanted.

Now we are left wondering if maybe we did something wrong.

Perhaps, instead, our problem is that we did the multiplication in the

wrong order. (After all, multiplication of i, j, and k is not commutative.)
Let’s try putting the vector on the left and the rotation quaternion on the

(i + k)(cos θ + k sin θ) = i cos θ + ik sin θ + k cos θ + k^2 sin θ

= i cos θ − j sin θ + k cos θ − sin θ.

Comparing this to Equation (8.13), when the operands were in the opposite

order, we see that the only difference is the sign of the y-coordinate. At first
glance, it looks like this is actually worse. The rotation in the xz-plane that
we want got inverted; now we have a rotation by −θ. Meanwhile, the extra
rotation we didn’t want is exactly the same as before. But perhaps you can
already see the solution. If we use the opposite rotation, which corresponds
to using the conjugate of the quaternion, we fix both problems:

(i + k)(cos θ − k sin θ) = i cos θ + j sin θ − k cos θ + sin θ.

So, multiplying on the left by (cos θ + k sin θ) produced the rotation we

wanted, plus some extra rotation we didn’t want, and multiplication on

the right by the conjugate achieved the same rotation that was desired,

with the opposite undesired rotation. If we combine these two steps, the
unwanted rotation is canceled out, and we are left with only the rotation
we want. Well, not quite, we are left with twice the rotation we want, but
this is easily fixed by using θ/2 instead of θ. Of course, we knew that θ/2
would appear somewhere, but now we see the reason. Let’s summarize our
findings from the preceding paragraphs.










Quaternion FromAngleAxis(const double dAngle,double xx,double yy,double zz)		{			double dHalfAngle=dAngle/2*3.14159265358979323846/180;			w=cos(dHalfAngle);			double dSinHalfAngle=sin(dHalfAngle);			x=xx*dSinHalfAngle;			y=yy*dSinHalfAngle;			z=zz*dSinHalfAngle;			return Quaternion(w,x,y,z);		}


Because quaternions are represented by vectors, they are well suited for interpolation.

When an object is being animated, interpolation is useful for generating
intermediate orientations that fall between precalculated key frames.

The simplest type of interpolation is linear interpolation. For two unit quaternions

q_1 and q_2, the linearly interpolated quaternion q(t) is given by

The function q(t) changes smoothly along the line segment connecting q_1 and q_2

as t varies from 0 to 1. As shown in Figure 4.7, q(t ) does not maintain the unit
length of q_1 and q_2, but we can renormalize at each point by instead using the

There are two slight complications. First, the two quaternions q and

−q represent the same orientation, but may produce different results when

used as an argument to slerp. This problem doesn’t happen in 2D or 3D,

but the surface of a 4D hypersphere has a different topology than Euclidian
space. The solution is to choose the signs of q1and q2 such that the dot
product q1 · q2 is nonnegative. This has the effect of always selecting the
shortest rotational arc from q1 to q2. The second complication is that if
q1 and q2 are very close, then θ is very small, and thus sinθ  is also very
small, which will cause problems with the division. To avoid this, if sinθ
is very small, we will use simple linear interpolation. 

下面解释为什么q1·q2 >= 0时,q1到q2是最短路径

we considered the difference quaternion d = ba*, which describes the angular displacement

from orientation a to orientation b. (We assume unit quaternions and replace
the quaternion inverse with the conjugate.) If we expand the product
and examine the contents of d, we find that the w component is equal to
the dot product a · b





What does this mean geometrically? Remember Euler’s rotation theorem:

we can rotate from the orientation a into the orientation b via a
single rotation about a carefully chosen axis. This uniquely determined
(up to a reversal of sign) axis and angle are precisely the ones encoded in
d. Remembering the relationship between the w component and the rotation
angle θ, we see that a·b = cos(θ/2), where θ is the amount of rotation
needed to go from the orientation a to the orientation b.

In summary, the quaternion dot product has an interpretation similar to

the vector dot product. The larger the absolute value of the quaternion dot
product a·b, the more “similar” are the angular displacements represented
by a and b. While the vector dot product gives the cosine of the angle
between vectors, the quaternion dot product gives the cosine of half of the
angle needed to rotate one quaternion into the other. For the purpose of
measuring similarity, usually we are interested only in the absolute value
of a · b, since a · b = −(a · −b), even though b and −b represent the same
angular displacement.

这就说明了为什么q1·q2 >= 0时,q1到q2是最短路径


Quaternion Slerp(double dt,const Quaternion &q1,const Quaternion &q2,bool shortestPath)	{		double dCos=q1.Dot(q2);		Quaternion q3;		if(dCos<0 && shortestPath)		{			dCos=-dCos;			q3=-q2;		}			else		{			q3=q2;		}		if(abs(dCos)< 1 - 1e-6)		{			double dSin=sqrt(1-dCos*dCos);			double dAngle=atan2(dSin,dCos);//这样写后面的结果为1,无需将结果单位化			//double dAngle=atan(dSin/dCos);//不知道为何这样写的话,后面的插值结果长度不为1,需要将结果单位化			double dSinInv=1/dSin;			double dCoeff0=sin((1-dt)*dAngle)*dSinInv;			double dCoeff1=sin(dt*dAngle)*dSinInv;			Quaternion	q= dCoeff0*q1+dCoeff1*q3;			//return q.Normalize();			return q;		}		else//采用线性插值		{			Quaternion t=(1.0 - dt)*q1 + dt*q3;			t=t.Normalize();			return t;		}	}

Because a quaternion represents a rotation, its action on R^3 can be represented by a 3 × 3

matrix. We now show how to convert a quaternion q into a 3 × 3 matrix. 

a transformation A(v) is represented by the matrix (w_1 w_2 w_3),

where the columns wi are equal to A(i), A(j), and A(k). Thus, to represent a quaternion q by
a matrix, we set
w_1 = qiq^(−1), w_2 = qjq^(−1), and w3 = qkq^(−1)


operator Matrix3x3()		{			(*this)=(*this).Normalize();			Matrix3x3 m;			double ww=w*w;			double xx=x*x;			double yy=y*y;			double zz=z*z;			double xy=x*y;			double xz=x*z;			double xw=x*w;			double yz=y*z;			double yw=y*w;			double zw=z*w;			m(0,0)=ww+xx-yy-zz;			m(0,1)=2*xy-2*zw;			m(0,2)=2*xz+2*yw;			m(1,0)=2*xy+2*zw;			m(1,1)=ww-xx+yy-zz;			m(1,2)=2*yz-2*xw;			m(2,0)=2*xz-2*yw;			m(2,1)=2*yz+2*xw;			m(2,2)=ww-xx-yy+zz;			return m;		}


Quaternion(Matrix3x3& m)		{			double d=m(0,0)+m(1,1)+m(2,2),max;			max= m(0,0)>m(1,1) ? (m(0,0)>m(2,2) ? m(0,0) : m(2,2)) : (m(1,1)>m(2,2)?m(1,1):m(2,2) );			if(d>max)			{				w=0.5*sqrt(d+1);				x=0.25*(m(2,1)-m(1,2))/w;				y=0.25*(m(0,2)-m(2,0))/w;				z=0.25*(m(1,0)-m(0,1))/w;			}			else if(max == m(0,0))			{				x=0.5*sqrt(2*m(0,0)-d+1);				w=0.25*(m(2,1)-m(1,2))/x;				y=0.25*(m(1,0)+m(0,1))/x;				z=0.25*(m(0,2)+m(2,0))/x;			}			else if(max== m(1,1))			{				y=0.5*sqrt(2*m(1,1)-d+1);				w=0.25*(m(0,2)-m(2,0))/y;				x=0.25*(m(1,0)+m(0,1))/y;				z=0.25*(m(2,1)+m(1,2))/y;			}			else if(max == m(2,2))			{				z=0.5*sqrt(2*m(2,2)-d+1);				w=0.25*(m(1,0)-m(0,1))/z;				x=0.25*(m(0,2)+m(2,0))/z;				y=0.25*(m(2,1)+m(1,2))/z;			}					}


Seamanj::Quaternion q;	q.FromAngleAxis(90,1,1,0);	q.Normalize();	cout<
<<' '<
<<' '<
<<' '<


Seamanj::Quaternion qRotateToBlueLine,qRotateToMagentaLine,qRotateToGreenLine,qRotateToRedLine,qRotateToCyanLine;	Seamanj::Quaternion q_OriginOrientation(0,2,1,0),q_BlueLineOrientation,q_MagentaLineOrientation,q_GreenLineOrientation,q_RedLineOrientation,q_CyanLineOrientation;	q_OriginOrientation=q_OriginOrientation.Normalize();	qRotateToBlueLine.FromAngleAxis(dMyAngle,0,1,0);	//cout<<"qRotateToBlueLine len:"<






#ifndef _QUATERNION#define _QUATERNION#include 
namespace Seamanj{ class Matrix3x3 { public: Matrix3x3() { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) for(int j=0;j<3;j++) data[i][j]=0.0; } Matrix3x3(double* pd) { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) for(int j=0;j<3;j++) data[i][j]=pd[i*3+j]; } Matrix3x3(const Matrix3x3& m) { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) for(int j=0;j<3;j++) data[i][j]=m(i,j); } double data[3][3]; double& operator()(int i,int j) { return data[i][j]; } double operator()(int i,int j) const { return data[i][j]; } friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,Matrix3x3& m); }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,Matrix3x3& m) { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { for(int j=0;j<3;j++) { os<
<<((m(i,j)<1e-6 && m(i,j)>-1e-6)?0.0:m(i,j))<<'\t'; } os<
m(1,1) ? (m(0,0)>m(2,2) ? m(0,0) : m(2,2)) : (m(1,1)>m(2,2)?m(1,1):m(2,2) ); if(d>max) { w=0.5*sqrt(d+1); x=0.25*(m(2,1)-m(1,2))/w; y=0.25*(m(0,2)-m(2,0))/w; z=0.25*(m(1,0)-m(0,1))/w; } else if(max == m(0,0)) { x=0.5*sqrt(2*m(0,0)-d+1); w=0.25*(m(2,1)-m(1,2))/x; y=0.25*(m(1,0)+m(0,1))/x; z=0.25*(m(0,2)+m(2,0))/x; } else if(max== m(1,1)) { y=0.5*sqrt(2*m(1,1)-d+1); w=0.25*(m(0,2)-m(2,0))/y; x=0.25*(m(1,0)+m(0,1))/y; z=0.25*(m(2,1)+m(1,2))/y; } else if(max == m(2,2)) { z=0.5*sqrt(2*m(2,2)-d+1); w=0.25*(m(1,0)-m(0,1))/z; x=0.25*(m(0,2)+m(2,0))/z; y=0.25*(m(2,1)+m(1,2))/z; } } operator Matrix3x3() { (*this)=(*this).Normalize(); Matrix3x3 m; double ww=w*w; double xx=x*x; double yy=y*y; double zz=z*z; double xy=x*y; double xz=x*z; double xw=x*w; double yz=y*z; double yw=y*w; double zw=z*w; m(0,0)=ww+xx-yy-zz; m(0,1)=2*xy-2*zw; m(0,2)=2*xz+2*yw; m(1,0)=2*xy+2*zw; m(1,1)=ww-xx+yy-zz; m(1,2)=2*yz-2*xw; m(2,0)=2*xz-2*yw; m(2,1)=2*yz+2*xw; m(2,2)=ww-xx-yy+zz; return m; } Quaternion operator*(Quaternion q) { return Quaternion(w*q.w-x*q.x-y*q.y-z*q.z,w*q.x+x*q.w+y*q.z-z*q.y, w*q.y-x*q.z+y*q.w+z*q.x,w*q.z+x*q.y-y*q.x+z*q.w); } friend Quaternion operator*(double dScalar,const Quaternion& q); Quaternion operator*(const double d) { return Quaternion(w*d,x*d,y*d,z*d); } Quaternion operator+ (const Quaternion& q) const { return Quaternion(w+q.w,x+q.x,y+q.y,z+q.z); } Quaternion operator- (const Quaternion& q) const { return Quaternion(w-q.w,x-q.x,y-q.y,z-q.z); } Quaternion operator- () const { return Quaternion(-w,-x,-y,-z); } Quaternion UnitInverse() const { // assert: 'this' is unit length return Quaternion(w,-x,-y,-z); } double Norm() const { return w*w+x*x+y*y+z*z; } Quaternion Normalize() { double len=Norm(); double factor=1/sqrt(len); *this=*this * factor; return *this; } Quaternion FromAngleAxis(const double dAngle,double xx,double yy,double zz) { double dHalfAngle=dAngle/2*3.14159265358979323846/180; w=cos(dHalfAngle); double dSinHalfAngle=sin(dHalfAngle); x=xx*dSinHalfAngle; y=yy*dSinHalfAngle; z=zz*dSinHalfAngle; return Quaternion(w,x,y,z); } double Dot(const Quaternion& q) const // dot product { return w*q.w+x*q.x+y*q.y+z*q.z; } friend Quaternion Slerp(double dt,const Quaternion &q1,const Quaternion &q2,bool shortestPath=true); }; Quaternion operator*(double d,const Quaternion& q) { return Quaternion(q.w*d,q.x*d,q.y*d,q.z*d); } Quaternion Slerp(double dt,const Quaternion &q1,const Quaternion &q2,bool shortestPath) { double dCos=q1.Dot(q2); Quaternion q3; if(dCos<0 && shortestPath) { dCos=-dCos; q3=-q2; } else { q3=q2; } if(abs(dCos)< 1 - 1e-6) { double dSin=sqrt(1-dCos*dCos); double dAngle=atan2(dSin,dCos);//这样写后面的结果为1,无需将结果单位化 //double dAngle=atan(dSin/dCos);//不知道为何这样写的话,后面的插值结果长度不为1,需要将结果单位化 double dSinInv=1/dSin; double dCoeff0=sin((1-dt)*dAngle)*dSinInv; double dCoeff1=sin(dt*dAngle)*dSinInv; Quaternion q= dCoeff0*q1+dCoeff1*q3; //return q.Normalize(); return q; } else//采用线性插值 { Quaternion t=(1.0 - dt)*q1 + dt*q3; t=t.Normalize(); return t; } }}#endif _QUATERNION

//1 add Cg Frame//2 add fragment program//3 get and set variable in vertex shader and fragment shader//4 add Matrix<--->Quaternion #include 
#include "Quaternion.h"using std::cout;using std::endl;static CGcontext myCgContext;static CGprofile myCgVertexProfile;static CGprogram myCgVertexProgram;//2 beginstatic CGprofile myCgFragmentProfile;static CGprogram myCgFragmentProgram;//2 endstatic const char* myProgramName="Quaternion";static const char* myVertexProgramFileName="MyVertex.cg";static const char* myVertexProgramEntryFunctionName="MyVertexEntry";//3 beginstatic CGparameter myCgVertexParam_modelViewProj; static double dMyAngle=0;static double dt_Red_between_Blue_and_Green=0;static double dt_Cyan_between_Magenta_and_Greeen=0;static float myProjectionMatrix[16];//3 endstatic void checkForCgError(const char *situation){ CGerror error; const char *string = cgGetLastErrorString(&error); if (error != CG_NO_ERROR) { printf("%s: %s: %s\n",myProgramName, situation, string); if (error == CG_COMPILER_ERROR) printf("%s\n", cgGetLastListing(myCgContext)); exit(1); }}static void display(void);static void keyboard(unsigned char c,int x,int y);static void reshape(int width, int height);int main(int argc,char **argv){ glutInitWindowSize(400,400); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH); glutInit(&argc,argv); glutCreateWindow(myProgramName);//窗口名字为我们的程序名字 glutDisplayFunc(display); glutKeyboardFunc(keyboard); glutReshapeFunc(reshape); glClearColor(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.0); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); myCgContext=cgCreateContext(); checkForCgError("creating context"); cgGLSetDebugMode(CG_FALSE); cgSetParameterSettingMode(myCgContext,CG_DEFERRED_PARAMETER_SETTING); myCgVertexProfile=cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_VERTEX); cgGLSetOptimalOptions(myCgVertexProfile); checkForCgError("selecting vertex profile"); myCgVertexProgram=cgCreateProgramFromFile( myCgContext,CG_SOURCE,myVertexProgramFileName,myCgVertexProfile,myVertexProgramEntryFunctionName,NULL); checkForCgError("creating vertex program from file"); cgGLLoadProgram(myCgVertexProgram); checkForCgError("loading vertex program"); //3 begin myCgVertexParam_modelViewProj = cgGetNamedParameter(myCgVertexProgram, "modelViewProj"); checkForCgError("could not get modelViewProj parameter"); //3 end //2 begin myCgFragmentProfile=cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_FRAGMENT); cgGLSetOptimalOptions(myCgFragmentProfile); checkForCgError("selecting fragment profile"); myCgFragmentProgram=cgCreateProgram( myCgContext,CG_SOURCE, "float4 main( float4 c:COLOR) : COLOR { return c; }",myCgFragmentProfile,"main",NULL); checkForCgError("creating fragment program from string"); cgGLLoadProgram(myCgFragmentProgram); checkForCgError("loading fragment program"); //2 end //4 begin Seamanj::Quaternion q; q.FromAngleAxis(90,1,1,0); q.Normalize(); cout<
<<' '<
<<' '<
<<' '<
1) direction=-1; else if(dt_Red_between_Blue_and_Green < 0) direction=1; glutPostRedisplay();}//3 endstatic void keyboard(unsigned char c,int x,int y){ //3 begin static int animating = 0; //3 end switch(c) { //3 begin case ' ': animating = !animating; /* Toggle */ if (animating) { glutIdleFunc(idle); } else { glutIdleFunc(NULL); } break; case 'w': dt_Cyan_between_Magenta_and_Greeen+=0.01; std::cout<

void MyVertexEntry(float4 position : POSITION,				   float4 color:COLOR,                 out float4 oPosition : POSITION,                 out float4 oColor:COLOR,             uniform float4x4 modelViewProj){  // Transform position from object space to clip space  oPosition = mul(modelViewProj, position);  oColor=color;}


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